30 Minutes Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage For Hard Working Muscles, Pre, Post & Restorative.
Service Description
Not only limited to sporty people and athletes, this massage is tailored to your individual needs and area of strain, whether you have been working hard in the garden, DIY, running or gym this massage will help to assist in preparing your body for a strenuous event, re-balancing your body after the strenuous event and rehabilitating your body back to optimal health. Deep tissue massage helps with both prevention of injuries and healing of soft tissues such as muscle, ligaments and tendons, improving blood circulation & delivery of nutrients to the muscles as well as improved waste product removal, lymphatic fluid circulation, stretch muscle tissue and help to break down scar tissue thereby increasing the range of movement in the muscle. The mechanoreceptors are also stimulated causing a reflex relaxation. An excellent catalyst for releasing tension in the muscles and restoring balance to the musculoskeletal system. Research suggests that regular deep tissue massage can also have additional psychological benefits such as reduced anxiety levels, refocus in performance and improvement in activity confidence allowing you to get on with the job or sport activity pain free Can be used for people with certain injuries, chronic pain and a range of mobility issues. Each treatment is tailored to your individual needs and starts with an aroma journey to select the most beneficial blend of essential oils for you and your desired emotional state. You select the correct pressure for you and advise your therapist on your areas of concern.
Contact Details
The Chic House, London Road, Biggleswade, UK